Private tours in Cadiz

So much to enjoy in this cozy, little, landmark of the Andalusian coast!

You'll get blown away by the expansive character of Cadiz!

Cadiz city and its county are an endless provider of awesome experiences that our guides will be glad to share with you!

Situated on a narrow slice of land surrounded by the ocean, Cádiz is a typically Andalusian city with a wealth of attractive locations and well-preserved historical landmarks.
The professional local guide will tell you about Phoenicians building their city here more than twenty centuries ago, and some of the old still stand out!

Traditions, character, the local way of living… These are the things that you will mostly love, and we all do. This is the place that most Andalusian citizens choose to relax and get a lot of fun!


Our tours around Cadiz

Viejas barricas de roble de una de las bodegas tradicionales que visitamos en los pueblos de Cádiz.

4 hours


A private transport with driver and your local guide will lead you through the tradition of wine production in our land.

3 hours


The Cathedral inside, the food market, the Oratorio de la Santa Cueva and the beach in this private walking tour.

Different small dishes with typical and tasty tapas from our food experience.

2.5 hours


Discover between 6 to 8 different traditional dishes in this private experience and also some amazing beer and wine.

Plaza de España in Seville with a lady enjoying the great weather during our private experience.

Fom 2 to 8 hours


Choose every detail of your private tour or take one already made and we adapt it to your will!



  • Ottima guida, consigliata vivamente

    Gianluca Menditto Avatar Gianluca Menditto
  • Con la guida di Alexia, ci siamo immersi nella visita dell’Alcazar e della Cattedrale di Siviglia! Una bellissima esperienza, da consigliare a chiunque visiti questi monumenti. Grazie Alexia, torneremo !!!

    Beatrice Bettini Avatar Beatrice Bettini
  • Alexia was excellent as our guide in Seville, as she was kind, considerate and simply a wealth of knowledge. She went above and beyond to ensure all of our questions were answered and was more than willing to tailor our time together to satisfy our desires to visit different parts of the city or sample new and exciting tapas. I would strongly recommend her anytime you visit the area, you cannot do any better.

    Jeff Avatar Jeff
  • Alexia Sanchez è una guida eccezionale, l'ho ricontattata a due anni di distanza quando eravamo andati a Siviglia con i mariti perché ci era già allora piaciuta tantissimo e mi ha aiutato ad organizzare il mio nuovo viaggio con le amiche. E' preparata, pronta a rispondere ad ogni curiosità, capace di spiegarti con semplicità le attrazioni culturali e non, accattivante con le sua simpatia e sempre sorridente. Io la consiglio vivamente, la trovo fantastica per tutto. Grazie ancora Alexia di tutto

    Meri Dal Monte Avatar Meri Dal Monte
  • It was a delight to have Alexia as our guide in Sevilla. Her knowledge of and passion for Sevilla and its history provided us the perfect introduction to the city and its culture. We highly recommend experiencing Sevilla with Alexia as your guide.

    Carol Graf Avatar Carol Graf
  • Siamo stati molto bene. Alexia è molto preparata, disponibile e ha saputo coinvolgere davvero tutti nel tour. Grazie!!!

    Sabine Del Priore Avatar Sabine Del Priore
  • Alexia is an excellent guide. Very informative and knowledgeable. Our family of 5 thoroughly enjoyed our tour of Sevilla. She also arranged tours in Cordoba and Granada for us with other tour guides she was familiar. They were equally great. Also took care of transportation as well. Very helpful. Recommend her services without hesiation

    cavallo Avatar cavallo
  • Ho organizzato la visita con Alexia da Milano grazie ad un passaparola. I tempi di contatto sono stati brevissimi abbiano utilizzato wa . Il giorno prima ci siamo sentite per definire l'appuntamento e il giorno della visita è stata puntualissima. Il mio gruppo era composto da 4 adulti 3 adolescenti e un ragazzino di 13 anni. Alexia ha tenuto l'attenzione sempre viva per tutte le 3 ore di visita. Ci ha raccontato Siviglia, dalle origini,alla storia, alle conquiste, all'architettura e alle curiosità con una passione che solo chi ama ciò che fa e dove vive può trasmettere. Il suo italiano è perfetto. Alexia non si è risparmiata in nulla e su nostra richiesta ci ha prenotato uno spettacolo di flamenco e 2 cene in luoghi ripici di ottima cucina. Chi ha voglia di farsi trascinare nell'anima della città dovrebbe chiamarla

    Valeria Mangiacavalli Avatar Valeria Mangiacavalli
  • What an amazing experience. As a worldly traveller I thought I would not need to do a tour. However I learnt so much and could really value surroundings. The highlight was touch of magic our local guide added to a memorable experience. Gracias!!!

    mario de oliveira Avatar mario de oliveira
  • The tour with Alexia has been great! She considered our needs and interest every moment of the tour. We enjoyed many historical debates during the tour but also pleasant time sitting, taking pictures and trying wonderfull tapas! Now we love Seville almost as much as she does!

    Javier Benitez Avatar Javier Benitez



Write to us if you have any questions and we will help you choose the private experience that best suits your needs.

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